Youth Doctrinal Class "Is the Gospel Written in My Heart?" October 23, 2022 BUNDLE 3

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YOUTH DOCTRINAL CLASS - October 23, 2022

Is the Gospel Written in My Heart?
LESSON PART 3 Learn Together (lesson ideas below*)

This BUNDLE is to give youth leaders many activities to teach the above theme for the bi-weekly lesson.

Look for these activity handouts to help you teach lesson concepts and give them TEACHING TOOLS to plan and develop lesson objectives. These lesson-match interactive activities will add to and enhance your lessons.


Youth Doctrinal Class Old Testament - October 11

ACTIVITIES (lesson ideas below*)

YOUTH GOAL/LESSON ACTIVITY. HEAVENLY FATHER FORGIVES All Who Truly Repent D&C 88:86 scripture poster journal. Youth can memorize this scripture and write in the journal how to untie the ropes of wrongdoings. “Abide ye in the liberty wherewith ye are made free; entangle not yourselves in sin, but let your hands be clean, until the Lord comes.”

YOUTH GOAL/LESSON ACTIVITY. A LOVING OR LAZY LEADER word find. Youth can learn from this the qualities of a loving leader (if they really love the Lord they will serve as He did, to truly follow Jesus as they influence others). Loving Leader Qualities they will find: sharing, prepared, prompt, organized, happy, teaching, considerate, calm, sensitive, understanding, concerned, kind, caring, plans, trustworthy, example, listening, and forgiving.

YOUTH ACTIVITY. MY CHANGE OF HEART STEPS 2-sided mobile. Youth can learn from King Benjamin’s counsel (Mosiah 5:2, 5). Steps 1-4 (1) Learn of Christ and the commandments (2) Have faith in His Atonement, (3) Seek forgiveness with His mercy, and (4) Make covenants.

SCRIPTURE. “BE HUMBLE” D&C 112:10 (poster/card set). Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers.” Youth can memorize this scripture to know that God wants to guide us if we would be stripped of pride/show humility, to pray and seek guidance (Alma 5:27-28).


*Learn Together

Encourage the youth to discuss Jeremiah 31:31–34. (see JEREMIAH activity below) To do this, you could give them paper hearts with several questions written on them about what it means to have the gospel in our hearts, such as those found under “Prepare Yourself Spiritually.” Working individually, in pairs, or in small groups, the youth could read these verses from Jeremiah and ponder how they would answer the questions. Let them share their questions and the answers they thought of. Below are more ideas that can help you teach the youth about how the gospel can be written in their hearts.

  • When Moses gave some of his final teachings to the Israelites, he urged them to receive God’s words in their hearts. He also taught them some of the ways they could do this, as found in Deuteronomy 6:3–9. (see DEUTERONOMY activity below) As a class or quorum, read these verses together and discuss ways we can do what Moses counseled. For some ideas, your class or quorum could watch the video “Come, Follow Me: These Words” ( They could also study Alma 5:14, 26–35 to find what Alma taught about how we can keep the gospel written in our hearts.
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Youth Doctrinal Class "Is the Gospel Written in My Heart?" October 23, 2022 BUNDLE 3