Thankful for Fish poster or coloring page

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Teach children to be thankful to Heavenly Father and Jesus for the fish.

2 Visuals (Color and Black & White) with instructions.

POSTER ACTIVITY – Fish Thanks Poster
1. Print or copy the activity poster to color.
2. Talk about poster, saying, “I am thankful for fish!” and other animals that live in water, like frogs, turtles, whales, crabs, and seals.
A prophet named Jonah was swallowed by a big fish and lived inside it for three days. He told Heavenly Father he would preach repentance to the people as He had commanded. Then the fish spit him out on dry land. Sing the song “Follow the Prophet” (with verse about Jonah) using the song visuals (below) to download HERE ⇒. on this page on
3. Talk about the Home Activity: “Ask me how fish help us. Let me show you how slow a turtle moves, how fast a fish swims, and how high a frog jumps.”

THOUGHT TREAT: Fish-shaped crackers. Children can fish these out of a fishbowl. Or they can fish over a mock clothesline (sheet draped over a rope) to catch a bag of fish crackers. Tie a string to a wooden dowel and attach a paper clip they can toss over a clothesline. Attach the bag of crackers to the paperclip. Tell children that fish always live in water because they can only breathe underwater (but we can’t).

SING “Five Little Speckled Frogs.”

I Am Thankful for Fish! (poster or coloring page)

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Thankful for Fish poster or coloring page