Lesson Lifesavers-CFM: October Lesson 4: How can I learn to be more patient?

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Come Follow Me - OCTOBER Lesson 4: How can I learn to be more patient?

#1 Something to Sacrifice goal planner
#2 Kindly Forgive Ephesians 4:32 rebus message and peace rose tent card
#3 Home is Heavenly peacemaker tent-card
#4 Spread a Little Sunshine sunny action planner


#1 Something to Sacrifice goal planner
DESCRIPTION: Help youth understand the importance of sacrifice in their lives using this goal planner. Here they can record goals and sacrifices necessary to succeed.
PDF Includes:
1-page introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 4-midweek activity ideas)
4 pages to print (2 in color, 2 in black and white)

#2 Kindly Forgive Ephesians 4:32 rebus message and peace rose tent card
DESCRIPTION: Help youth learn the importance of forgiving others as they memorizing Ephesians 4:32 with this rebus message. Follow up with a peace rose card to attach to a rose when asking for forgiveness from a loved one.
PDF Includes:
2 pages introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 6-midweek activity ideas)
2 pages to print (1 in color, 1 in black and white)

#3 Home is Heavenly peacemaker tent-card
DESCRIPTION: Youth can take this tent-card home and share with their family, asking for help in making their home a peaceful place to live.
PDF Includes:
2 pages introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 3-midweek activity ideas)
2 pages to print (1 in color, 1 in black and white)

#4 Spread a Little Sunshine sunny action planner
DESCRIPTION: Youth can select other youth at school or church or community to reach out to. With this planner they can write on each sun-ray how they plan to spread a little sunshine. Then tear off the assignment tab once completed. They can write on the back of the tab about their feelings and experiences.
PDF Includes:
1-page introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus Ant Farm Fudge THOUGHT TREAT)
2 pages to print (1 in color, 1 in black and white)

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Lesson Lifesavers-CFM: October Lesson 4: How can I learn to be more patient?