Lesson Lifesavers-CFM: November Lesson 7: How can I find solutions to my challenges and problems?

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Come Follow Me - NOVEMBER Lesson 7: How can I find solutions to my challenges and problems?

#1 Temptation Traps and Escapes Brainstorm
#2 Keep Spiritual Boat Afloat! Game
#3 True to the Faith Tools crossmatch
#4 The New Me! Changing Caterpillar poem poster


#1 Temptation Traps and Escapes Brainstorm
Description of Lesson Activity: Brainstorm with youth to realize how the Atonement can help them if they know the traps and escape routes. Stack the set of cards facedown and divide youth into groups of three or four. As they draw two or more Temptation Trap cards, they can discuss with their group and write on the card the Escape Route cards (how they can overcome or combat that temptation). Report discussion and Escape Route to the class.
. PDF Includes:
2 pages introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 4-midweek activity ideas)
6 pages to print (3 in color, or 3 pages in black and white)

#2 Keep Spiritual Boat Afloat! Game
Description of Lesson Activity: With this game youth search the scriptures to find ways they can overcome trials, gain strength and self-esteem through keeping their covenants through righteous living. This game will help players learn that they can sail through troubled waters by living the gospel of Jesus Christ.
. PDF Includes:
2 pages introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 4-midweek activity ideas)
4 pages to print (2 in color, or 2 in black-and-white PLUS 2 pages of wordstrips)

#3 True to the Faith Tools crossmatch
Description of Lesson Activity: Helps youth learn they can be true to their faith and keep their covenants in spite of worldly pressures. List them them and draw a line to the tools and write blessings that come from overcoming each worldly pressure.
. PDF Includes:
1-page introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 2-midweek activity ideas)
2 pages to print (1 in color, or 1 in black-and-white)

#4 The New Me! Changing Caterpillar poem poster
Description of Lesson Activity: "Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly." Help youth realize that the covenants we make help guide our choices. Think of the caterpillar becoming a butterfly and compare it to yourself who too must struggle to progress and grow. We must constantly change, to improve our life. Our covenants help us to change as we live God’s laws or plan of happiness.
. PDF Includes:
2 pages introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 9 midweek activity idea)
2 pages to print (1 in color, or 1 in black and white)


Primary Sharing Time, Family Home Evening, Activity Days, Young Women and Young Men “Come, Follow Me,” Seminary, Sunday School, Family Night

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Lesson Lifesavers-CFM: November Lesson 7: How can I find solutions to my challenges and problems?