Lesson Lifesavers-CFM: November Lesson 1: What does it mean to be self-reliant?

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Come Follow Me - NOVEMBER Lesson 1: What does it mean to be self-reliant? SEE ANOTHER 4 ACTIVITIES FOR THIS SUBJECT (below)*

#1 Decisions Determine Destiny planner
#2 A Loving or Lazy Leader word find
#3 My Ant Farm Leisure Time Log
#4 It's Time for a Change!A goal cards


#1 Decisions Determine Destiny planner
Description of Lesson Activity: Tell youth that every decision they make can determine their destiny or the destiny of another. They can put themselves in the driver’s seat by making responsible decisions. Challenge youth to make responsible decisions each day at “Home, School, Church,” and “Work” as they think about being dependable. Make decisions by writing ways in which you can be dependable.
. PDF Includes:
1-page introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 3-midweek activity ideas)
2 pages to print (1 in color, or 1 pages in black and white)

#2 A Loving or Lazy Leader word find
Description of Lesson Activity: Ask youth to find the characteristics of a supportive leader and those of an unsupportive or lazy leader. Locate the qualities of a loving leader or a lazy leader scattered throughout the puzzle.
. PDF Includes:
2 pages introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 1-midweek activity ideas)
2 pages to print (1 in color, 1 in black and white)

#3 My Ant Farm Leisure Time Log
Description of Lesson Activity: Tell youth, "Eternity is won or lost in our leisure time." Youth can record on this log activities that are a wise use of time. Then in their free (leisure) time they can do these things. Have youth study the ideas, circle those they want to do in the next few months, and add to the list as they think up other leisure time activities. Have them schedule chosen activities during their free time.
. PDF Includes:
2 pages introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 1-midweek activity ideas)
2 pages to print (1 in color, 1 in black and white)

#4 It's Time for a Change! goal cards
Description of Lesson Activity: Help youth think about their present environment and realize that they can change it to be more uplifting by making simple changes.
Have youth:
1. Write on the change cards what you want to change about your environment (e.g., your room, your friends, your hobbies, use of time, personal attitudes, types of media presentation, cleanliness).
2. Write on each change card how you will make these changes and slip cards inside the “diaper.”
. PDF Includes:
2 pages introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 1-midweek activity ideas)
4 pages to print (2 in color, 2 in black and white)



Primary Sharing Time, Family Home Evening, Activity Days, Young Women and Young Men “Come, Follow Me,” Seminary, Sunday School, Family Night

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Lesson Lifesavers-CFM: November Lesson 1: What does it mean to be self-reliant?