Lesson Lifesavers-CFM: December Lesson 4: What can I do to help new members of the Church?

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Come Follow Me - DECEMBER Lesson 4: What can I do to help new members of the Church?

#1 True to the Faith Tools crossmatch
#2 Anchor Friend-"ship" motivators
#3 My Converstion to the Gospel Journal
#4 My Gospel Standards word find


#1 True to the Faith Tools crossmatch
Description of Lesson Activity: @
. PDF Includes:
1-page introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 2 mid-week activity ideas)
2 pages to print - (1 to in color, or 1 in black and white)

#2 Anchor Friend-"ship" motivators
Description of Lesson Activity: Youth can learn ways to be an anchor or offer friendship and love to someone who needs support (especially less-active member or an investigator). Showing the lifeboat visual, Talk about friendship being an anchor, something that holds our boat steady in times of trouble. Challenge youth to take these Friend-“ship” Anchor wordstrips to serve as reminders.
. PDF Includes:
1-page introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 3 mid-week activity ideas)
4 pages to print (1 in color plus 2 wordstrip pages in black and white), or 3 in black and white)

#3 My Conversion to the Gospel Journal
Description of Lesson Activity: Tell youth they can pass on righteous traditions by first recording their testimony for posterity. You can leave a legacy of love to your friends and families in word and deed by writing your testimony on this Gospel Journal about your conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. With this, future generations can read of your love for the Lord and the gospel. How you feel now about the gospel can be of great worth and value to your family now and to your posterity (future generations).
. PDF Includes:
1-page introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 1 mid-week activity ideas)
2 pages to print (1 in color, 1 in black and white)

#4 My Gospel Standards word find
Description of Lesson Activity: To Do Wordfind:
1. Find and circle the gospel standards in the wordfind and highlight any that are of a special challenge to you.
2. Find the Worldly Philosophies word(s) found on the right; opposite the Gospel Standard column on the left. Example: “Astrology” (using the stars to pretend to tell fortunes) is opposite of our gospel standards of a “patriarchal blessing,” where we receive direct revelation from our Heavenly Father as to our purpose and direction in this life. We also receive this direct revelation in our personal prayers, through the prophet, Church leaders, and parents who are inspired to lead and guide us.
3. Unscramble the world philosophies (words) and write them in the blank column on the right.
. PDF Includes:
1-page introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS
2 pages to print (1 in color, or 1 in black and white)
(contains 2 pages for a large poster, 1 page for a small poster, and 1 page to print 4 cards on a page)

COLLECT ALL OF THE DECEMBER "COME FOLLOW ME" LESSON ACTIVITIES on "Building the Kingdom of God in the Latter Days"

Primary Sharing Time, Family Home Evening, Activity Days, Young Women and Young Men “Come, Follow Me,” Seminary, Sunday School, Family Night

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Lesson Lifesavers-CFM: December Lesson 4: What can I do to help new members of the Church?