Lesson Lifesavers-CFM: December Lesson 4: How can I prepare to establish a Christ-centered home?

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Come Follow Me - DECEMBER Lesson 4: How can I prepare to establish a Christ-centered home?

#1 Righteous Traditions journal and Time Capsule label
#2 Communicate with My Family - Soar High! balloon bouquet
#3 Home is Heavenly peacemaker tent-card
#4 Happiness at Home - Family Proclamation scripture posters & cards


#1 Righteous Traditions journal and Time Capsule label
Description of Lesson Activity: Create a time capsule to record righteous traditions. Write righteous traditions on the planner form (see ideas below). Write the date you will seal the capsule and the date five years from then (when you will open it). Option: Have youth open time capsule every year to see how they are doing. Place the list in the time capsule and sit it on your shelf, writing the date in your calendar each year to review.
. PDF Includes:
1-page introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 2 mid-week activity ideas)
2 pages to print - (1 to print in color, or 1 to print in black and white)

#2 Communicate with My Family - Soar High! balloon bouquet
Description of Lesson Activity: Help youth learn eight ways they can improve their family communication. Make and display a balloon bouquet in class. Have them make one to share with their family or display in their room.
. PDF Includes:
2 pages introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 4 mid-week activity ideas)
4 pages to print (2 in color or 2 in black and white)

#3 Home is Heavenly peacemaker tent-card
Description of Lesson Activity: Youth can take this tent-card home and share with their family, asking for help in making their home a peaceful place to live.
. PDF Includes:
1-page introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 3 mid-week activity ideas)
2 pages to print (1 in color, 1 in black and white)

#4 Happiness in Family - Proclamation scripture posters & cards
Description of Lesson Activity: Help youth memorize "The Family: A Proclamation to the World": "Happiness in family life is mostly likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ."
. PDF Includes:
2 pages introduction WITH LESSON IDEAS (plus 2 mid-week activity ideas)
8 pages to print (4 in color, 4 in black and white)
(contains 2 pages for a large poster, 1 page for a small poster, and 1 page to print 4 cards on a page)

COLLECT ALL OF THE DECEMBER "COME FOLLOW ME" LESSON ACTIVITIES on "Building the Kingdom of God in the Latter Days"

Primary Sharing Time, Family Home Evening, Activity Days, Young Women and Young Men “Come, Follow Me,” Seminary, Sunday School, Family Night

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Lesson Lifesavers-CFM: December Lesson 4: How can I prepare to establish a Christ-centered home?