I Have Been Obedient beanbag game

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Tell children that Heavenly Father has given our parents the responsibility to teach us His commandments. They are to take care of our physical and spiritual needs. He wants our parents to protect us from harm. If we obey our parents, He blesses us with safety and happiness.

Play the “I Have ‘Bean’ Obedient” game with children, using bean faces. Pull them out of the bag one at a time. Name the beans, and ask each child how this bean has been obedient. Cards show how: Lova Bean shows love to others; Toya Bean picks up toys; Beda Bean makes its bed; Keepa Bean keeps the rules; Folda Bean folds its arms; Whispa Bean whispers in the classroom, and Quiet Bean walks quietly to class.

4 Visuals (Color and Black & White) with instructions.

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I Have Been Obedient beanbag game