POST-AND-PRESENT activities and games are designed for a class or group.  You can display on a poster or mount on a whiteboard or blackboard. Instructions make it easy so that even YOUTH CAN TEACH.

YOUTH GOAL PLANNER Pray for a Missionary Experience

Product Details

YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. PRAY FOR A MISSIONARY EXPERIENCE. Youth can find those who are “honest in heart,” seeking the gospel of Jesus Christ as they #1 PRAY earnestly that they might have a missionary experience, and #2 INVITE a friend who is not a member or one less active member to a church meeting or activity. The planner helps them map it out, follow through, and write how they felt about the experience. Then, list their Future Missionary Goals.

Download includes goal tracker in Color or Black & White. It is fun for youth to color in the Black & White version as they complete their goal.

MORE DETAILS in the pdf (scriptures for discussion and matching activities* are below)

*Go to the page to view lesson match activities.


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YOUTH GOAL PLANNER Pray for a Missionary Experience

YOUTH GOAL PLANNER Pray for a Missionary Experience

Product Details

YOUTH GOAL PLANNER. PRAY FOR A MISSIONARY EXPERIENCE. Youth can find those who are “honest in heart,” seeking the gospel of Jesus Christ as they #1 PRAY earnestly that they might have a missionary experience, and #2 INVITE a friend who is not a member or one less active member to a church meeting or activity. The planner helps them map it out, follow through, and write how they felt about the experience. Then, list their Future Missionary Goals.

Download includes goal tracker in Color or Black & White. It is fun for youth to color in the Black & White version as they complete their goal.

MORE DETAILS in the pdf (scriptures for discussion and matching activities* are below)

*Go to the page to view lesson match activities.


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YOUTH GOAL PLANNER Pray for a Missionary Experience