POST-AND-PRESENT activities and games are designed for a class or group. You can display on a poster or mount on a whiteboard or blackboard. Instructions make it easy so that even YOUTH CAN TEACH.
Brothers & Sisters Help: Baby Moses in Bulrushes scene
Brothers & Sisters Help - Baby Moes in Bulrushes scene
Encourage children to show love to their brothers and sisters
Using the baby Moses in the Bulrushes scene, you can show children how a sister helped her brother (Exodus 1:22–2:10). Move figures around to tell the story. Tell how Miriam, the baby’s sister, watched over her baby brother until he was safe. Then tell how the Pharaoh’s daughter saved Moses from danger (Exodus 2:1–10).
4 pages of Visuals (2 in Color and 2 in Black & White) with instructions.
Brothers & Sisters Help: Baby Moses in Bulrushes scene
Brothers & Sisters Help - Baby Moes in Bulrushes scene
Encourage children to show love to their brothers and sisters
Using the baby Moses in the Bulrushes scene, you can show children how a sister helped her brother (Exodus 1:22–2:10). Move figures around to tell the story. Tell how Miriam, the baby’s sister, watched over her baby brother until he was safe. Then tell how the Pharaoh’s daughter saved Moses from danger (Exodus 2:1–10).
4 pages of Visuals (2 in Color and 2 in Black & White) with instructions.