POST-AND-PRESENT activities and games are designed for a class or group. You can display on a poster or mount on a whiteboard or blackboard. Instructions make it easy so that even YOUTH CAN TEACH.
Blessing, Blessing, Who's Got a Blessing? Temporal Blessing Pick & Tell
13 Visuals (Color and Black & White) with instructions
Youth can guess temporal blessings given to us by Heavenly Father. These are blessings we can see, touch, hear taste or smell, different from spiritual.GAME #1 BLESSING, BLESSING, WHO'S GOT A BLESSING. Have children come up one at a time and choose a button by pointing to it. Leader removes the child's choice and looks at the back (not letting the child see). The leader will try to give clues as to what the blessing is without saying the word.
Children guess which blessing it is (you can divide into teams to compete). Award one point for every guess. If the team misses, the other team gets to guess for the one point.
After a blessing is guessed, have that child share why he or she is grateful for that blessing. Or, children can share how they can show gratitude to Heavenly Father for that blessing.
GAME #2 PLAY BLESSING, BLESSING CONCENTRATION. Make two copies of buttons and images (gluing images on the backs of buttons) and post buttons on opposite sides of the board (with image facedown). Take turns with team members choosing two and turning them over to make a match (returning them where they were if a match is not made). Then have the one who made the match tell why they are grateful for that blessing and how they would show gratitude for that blessing.
Blessing, Blessing, Who's Got a Blessing? Temporal Blessing Pick & Tell
13 Visuals (Color and Black & White) with instructions
Youth can guess temporal blessings given to us by Heavenly Father. These are blessings we can see, touch, hear taste or smell, different from spiritual.GAME #1 BLESSING, BLESSING, WHO'S GOT A BLESSING. Have children come up one at a time and choose a button by pointing to it. Leader removes the child's choice and looks at the back (not letting the child see). The leader will try to give clues as to what the blessing is without saying the word.
Children guess which blessing it is (you can divide into teams to compete). Award one point for every guess. If the team misses, the other team gets to guess for the one point.
After a blessing is guessed, have that child share why he or she is grateful for that blessing. Or, children can share how they can show gratitude to Heavenly Father for that blessing.
GAME #2 PLAY BLESSING, BLESSING CONCENTRATION. Make two copies of buttons and images (gluing images on the backs of buttons) and post buttons on opposite sides of the board (with image facedown). Take turns with team members choosing two and turning them over to make a match (returning them where they were if a match is not made). Then have the one who made the match tell why they are grateful for that blessing and how they would show gratitude for that blessing.