Youth Doctrinal Class "What Are Our Responsibilities in the Work of Salvation and Exaltation?" September 25, 2022 BUNDLE 3
LESSON PART 3 Learn Together
Learn Together Lesson Ideas (activities below help teach):
Isaiah 41–44 can help the youth understand what it means to be a servant of the Lord. To begin a discussion, you could write references like these on the board: Isaiah 41:8–10; 42:6–7; 43:9–12; 44:21. Each person could pick a passage, read it, and share what he or she learns about what it means to be a servant of the Lord. In what ways are we the Lord’s servants? What blessings come when we are in His service? Here are other ways to help those you teach bring people to Christ as active participants in His work.
MORE LESSON IDEAS (found in the lesson). 4 points to ponder based on "I Havbe a Work for Thee* John C. Pingree (focal points are #1-4 below*).
Choose one or more of the following activities to help them understand this topic more deeply.
#1 *Focus on others - YOUTH GOAL ACTIVITY. With this Spread a Little Sunshine! sunny-action planner youth write on each sun-ray how they plan to spread a little sunshine. Then, when the service is complete they can tear the action strip off and write their experiences on the back.
#2 *Discover & develop spiritual gifts - YOUTH ACTIVITY. With this Gifts of the Spirit (D&C 46) match game, youth can learn why it is important to recognize and seek the true gifts of the Spirit and not be deceived. Gifts of wisdom, knowledge, healing, prophecy, testimony, tongues.
#3 *Make use of adversity (knowledge gained) to strengthen others - SCRIPTURE ACTIVITY. With this D&C 121:7-8 Bite-size Memorize scripture poster, youth can learn “Peace be unto thy soul, thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.”
#4 *Rely on God to reveal our assignments - POSTER ACTIVITY. Invite the Holy Ghost. Youth pick an invitation, e.g, “You’re Invited! because I read the scriptures.” They tell why this action would invite the Spirit, post it, and then later read them all again. Then place them in an envelope (symbolizing they are mailing it to the Holy Ghost) but their actions are actually how the Spirit gets the message.