Miracles of Jesus picture-match puzzle
OBJECTIVE: Learn of three miracles Jesus performed by matching up pictures with the stories.
TO MAKE Print (color) or black and white and color them. Cut out the Three Miracles Picture Poster and the glue-on stickers for each youth.
Create a picture poster of these three miracles:
#1 Jesus heals a man with palsy (Mark 2:1-12)
#2 Jesus raises Jairus’s daughter (Mark 5:21-24, 35-43)
#3 Jesus heals a woman of faith (Mark 5:25-34)
Find the three stickers for each miracle and glue them in the right place, numbering the stickers 1, 2, and 3 to determine the order of placement on the poster. Encourage children to use the poster as a teaching tool to share with their families.
THOUGHT TREAT: Heart-shaped sandwich. Cut two slices of bread for each youth into a heart shape. Fill with cream crease filling our sandwich spread. Think about the miracles of Jesus and His love.
The Chosen scene: Jesus heals the paralytic
Mark 2:1-12
Matthew 9:1-7
DISCUSSION IDEAS (Faith, Jesus Christ, Miracles)
• Faith definition: faith is to hope for things which are not seen, but which are true.
Jesus Christ
• Reading the scriptures is a wonderful way to learn of Jesus Christ and the great love He has for each of us.
• Jesus performed great miracles to help us understand that He is the Son of God, has power over all things, and can forgive our sins. Jesus wants us to know, from these examples, that we can ask for miracles.
• Can you name some miracles Jesus performed? (Calming the Sea, Feeding the Five Thousand, Cleansing the Leper, Turning Water into Wine, The Widow of Nain)
Miracle (Man Stricken with Palsy)
• What did Jesus say to the man stricken with palsy (uncontrolled shaking)?
• Why did the Scribes say Jesus was speaking blasphemy when He forgave the sins of the man with palsy? (They believed only God could forgive sin. They did not know Jesus was the Son of God.) Definition of blasphemy: speaking irreverently of God or sacred things.
Miracle (Woman with an Issue of Blood)
• Why did the woman with the issue of blood feel she only needed to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment to be healed?
• How did Jesus know she had touched the hem of His garment?
• What healed this woman? Explain that her faith was strong enough to be healed, and it was God’s will.
Miracle (The Daughter of Jairus)
• When Jairus was told his daughter was dead and to not trouble Jesus, Jesus told Jairus, “Be not afraid, only believe” Mark 5:36. How do you think this made Jairus feel?
• Why did Jesus send away the non-believers before He raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead?
Miracles and You
• You can feel peace in Jesus Christ when you are sick, afraid, or in danger.
• You can help lift the burdens of others by showing kindness, patience, understanding, and compassion as Jesus did.
• Why are some people not healed even though they have great faith? (not God’s will)
• The Lord does not always heal the sick, or save those in distress. He does not always relieve suffering. When this happens, we must trust in Him and His plan for us.
“Faith is knowing the sun will rise, lighting each new day.
Faith is knowing the Lord will hear my prayers each time I pray.
Faith is like a little seed: if planted, it will grow.
Faith is a swelling within my heart. When I do right, I know.
Faith is knowing I lived with God before my mortal birth.
Faith is knowing I can return when my life ends on earth.
Faith is trust in God above; in Christ, who showed the way.
Faith is strengthened; I feel it grow whenever I obey.”
Words: Beatrice Goff Jackson, b. 1943. © 1978 IRI
DOWNLOAD the “Faith” song visuals to match the words above (HERE or below).
Faith Can Move Mountains
Matthew 17:20